Does your city or town need help with year-end financial reporting? Lynch Marini & Associates Inc can help! Lynch Marini & Associates Inc has significant experience not only preparing year-end financial reports for certification of free cash and subsequent audit, but also reconciling and closing municipal financial ledgers.
In many cases, there is difficulty in closing and reporting on year-end balances because financial ledgers and records have not been properly maintained throughout the fiscal year. Lynch Marini & Associates Inc has a systematic process and system for reviewing and evaluating financial records to ensure that all transactions are recorded and that financial reports are fairly presented.
The best part of our work is that we complete it in a manner that allows the Town’s financial staff to utilize our work product to keep the town’s books and records complete and up to date on an on-going basis. We even provide training to town staff on how to utilize our systems and to perform their duties on and on-going basis.
If your city or town has a need for year-end financial reporting, or a complete ledger work-out and/or reconciliation, please contact a partner for an initial no-cost/no obligation consultation.